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Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki

Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki

Inside this beautiful building located in Agiou Mina St. in the center of the city, you will find important information about the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki expressed through photographic exhibitions and rare historical objects.

The unique Sephardic heritage of Thessaloniki

The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki was founded to honour the rich and creative Sephardic heritage as it evolved in the city after the 15th century.

Consequent to the horrible expulsion from Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, Jews began to arrive in the safe haven of the city in big numbers bringing with them an awareness of Renaissance culture and languages of the Western Mediterranean.

Skills such as printing, cartography, medicinal sciences and knowledge of contemporary weaponry made the Iberian Jews an asset to the Ottomans.

Very rapidly, Sephardic creativity in Thessaloniki reached high point in the 16th century. The city provided a climate of tolerance and economic stability.

The Museum is housed in one of the rare Jewish structures that survived the fire of 1917. Located in the very heart of Thessaloniki, this imposing building has at times housed the Bank of Athens and the offices of the Jewish newspaper “L’ Independent” and is a silent witness to the great Jewish presence that once filled its streets with the language of Cervantes, redolent with the odours of the kitchens of Seville and Toledo, silent from Friday to Saturday during Shabbat.

The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki is the keeper of Jewish Heritage and culture.

The library houses important texts that were printed in Thessaloniki from the 16th to the 20th century, covering almost every aspect of Jewish life, religious and secular.

The library acts also as a repository for books on the history, customs and language of the Sephardi Jews.

Adjacent to it is an audio-visual center, in which visitors will be able to watch and research tapes and films documenting Jewish history and culture.

The Museum provides special educational programs for schools and is involved in a number of other activities. It is one of the most important places devoted to the many ethnic communities that shaped the city’s modern identity.

It attracts visitors from all over the world while it is in a walkable distance to many other worth seeing places in the center of Thessaloniki.



Jewish Museum, Agiou Mina 13, Thessaloniki 546 24

Contact Owner

Opening Hours






10:00-15:00 & 17:00-20:00









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